March/February Seaclan Ceremonies :: 2017 by RainbowBorealis, literature
March/February Seaclan Ceremonies :: 2017
Tidestar perched herself on a nearby boulder and looked over her congratulate, who're taking a moment to rest rom the journey. Taking in a deep breathe, she yowled, "clanmates, please gather around me, as I have an important announcement.". Seaclanners perked there heads up and circled around the boulder Tidestar perched herself on, curiosity ticking in their eyes. Tidestar rested her eyes upon two apprentices. "Lavenderpaw, Tornadopaw, please step forward." The two apprentices grin, now realizing what was going on, and side by side stepped forward before Tidestar. Seeing their excitement made a smile inch on Tidestar's face. "Laven...
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