That feeling washes over me again, as I ponder the thoughts of being shattered,
So many times being left in the dark,
Waiting for the right time for the dominoes to fall,
Seeming as all my dreams and hopes
Are lost.
Finally, I'm drowning in an ocean of tears.Only a small piece of that feeling flows away with the blood and tears
But also with them fall my shattered
and broken dreams. Again, I feel lost.
I sit in the dark
And hope
I don't fall.But, maybe I want the fall.
Maybe that'll be the last tear,
Because there is no more hope.
All is shattered
And in the dark
And my broken, shattered
Dreams and hope.Longing just to feel a small speck o...
Heyyy. Uhm.. If you ever wanna talk... My kik thing... Yeah... Is HeyLookAnOreo.. and Yupp. Uhm... I love Katlyne Cagle. She is mine. All mine. Forever.
Favourite Movies
Finding Nemo... That just says it all.
Favourite TV Shows
Ellen :)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Crown the Empire, Evanescence, Disturbed, Eyes Set to Kill, Flyleaf, Seether, Escape the Fate, Paramore, Helio, Between the Trees
It starts with that look...
That look that reveals so much...
The look that shows how she feels...
How much she really loves me...Then it's the hug...
The hug makes my stomach flutter with a thousand butterflies...
The hug that makes me pull you closer...
The hug that makes me want more...
Then it's the kiss...
The kiss that makes my heart stop...
The kiss that makes my stomach explode...
The kiss that makes me forget where I am...And it's you...
The one that can make me forget my name...
The one that can make everything go away...
The one who is mine.It's you.