Ragno-Veleno's avatar


Moved Accounts!!
31 Watchers122 Deviations

Fortune by Ragno-Veleno, literature

Navigate Me by Ragno-Veleno, literature

Sound Out Each Moment by Ragno-Veleno, literature

But I could Be All of This by Ragno-Veleno, literature

Laughing Without an Accent by Ragno-Veleno, literature

Situational Wriglings by Ragno-Veleno, literature

Grading What Matters by Ragno-Veleno, literature

Fishie Fun by Ragno-Veleno, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (16)
My Bio


Current Residence: my house
deviantWEAR sizing preference: rawrz?
Print preference: colour
Favourite genre of music: Punk music mostly, but I listen to everything!
Favourite photographer: Erin Taylor
Favourite style of art: Abstract, photography, traditional
Operating System: PC
MP3 player of choice: mine
Shell of choice: turtle?
Skin of choice: mine
Personal Quote: I only quote from my own mental Skull-Taffy

Favourite Visual Artist
Georgia O'Keffee; Jackson Polock
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
i <3 too many bands!
Favourite Writers
Emily Dickinson
Favourite Games
Soul Caliber, Final Fantasy... guitar hero
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Derwin Graphic (soft) sketching pencils
Other Interests
music and art
So, this is my last journal under the name on Ragno-Veleno.I&#039;ve finally moved accounts, all the art that I wanted from it is over there, I&#039;ve notified everyone that I&#039;m moving accounts.This is a big step for me, it&#039;s like I&#039;m breaking up with this account. And I feel bad hahaSeriously though, this was way harder than it should have been.  DA should just let you change your account name. It&#039;s not like I&#039;m some huge artist and changing my name could freak people out or something. Jeebus.Anyway.I shouldn&#039;t be back on this account unless I need to delete something.Also, I&#039;m leaving up a lot of my work. I only took the stuff that I really like,...
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Moving Accounts

0 min read
So I&#039;m very slowly going to be moving my work over to my new account :iconkizzy-bloom:    I actually made this account about two years ago with the hope of moving over to it, but I got really lazy and never did &gt;_&gt;;;   I generally write and paint under the name Kizzy Bloom now, so I&#039;d rather have all my stuff under that name.What I am going to do though is leave my reeeeally old art and poetry here. I also might leave some of the stuff that has a lot of favorites and comments here as well and just make copies on my new account.Also, I&#039;m getting a new tattoo on April 15 ^w^ I&#039;m sooo excited!!!Hope to see you on my new account!!!
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Soo, I got Pokemon Black and White today :D (Yes, both of them.)Worst battle graphics I&#039;ve seen since the original games, but I could tolerate those better since Red/Blue/Yellow/Green was made in the 90&#039;s. C&#039;mon nintendo, it&#039;s 2011, there is no excuse for pixelation anymore.Also, this is the first game I&#039;ve spent more than 2 minutes picking my starter.  I spent TWENTY MINUTES deciding that I wanted the less Derpy Oshawatt as my starter.  I generally only play fire starters, but Tepig goes from Fire to Fire/Fighting. The only way that would be acceptable is if he came with a ladder and a hose. Fer realz.I&#039;m only looking forward to playing t...
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Profile Comments 210

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CliveBlake's avatar
Thanks for Faving …
“Two Hungry Little Penguins” …
It is very much appreciated …
Ragno-Veleno's avatar
My pleasure; Thank you very much for adding Stargazers and Fairydust to yours!
CliveBlake's avatar
Np ... my pleasure also ...
DylanNColeshipper's avatar
The best bit is not released so we have to wait until the film :heart: 8 months and 14 days away until Fiendfyre!
Ragno-Veleno's avatar
I knoooooooooooowww!!