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RagingCyc0ne's avatar

Love Potion Evolved



Now that I'm, like, over that loser's time to do this superheroine thing, like, for myself. That old ratty costume was for him, but like I still have this awesome bod and stuff so I have to show it off. Like, how can I not? And I just lurv watching old episodes of I Dream of like this is the perfect costume. Right? Like, it's the coolest thing EVAR!!! So Love Postion is back and stuff ready to like kick some villainous asses. This will be like totally cool!

side note: Nathanomir and I decided it was time to change up Tiffany's character. There's only so much you can do with the classic bimbo trope before it gets old. And her obsession with The Magician had really run its course. So Taffy has evolved into more of a superheroine than an obsessed stalker fan. She's still the valley girl, but if you saw this:

then there's more to her than meets the eye. We feel this will be a fun new aspect of this character to explore. Hope you will too.
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© 2020 - 2025 RagingCyc0ne
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thomvinson's avatar

This should be interesting!