The TombRadoJavor on DeviantArt

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RadoJavor's avatar

The Tomb



Again, this easter time was an inspiration for a quick painting. Its my depiction of an very special sunday morning in Jerusalem. Hope some of you will like it.
Done in some 4 hours tonite. Wacom intuos and photoshop.

Comments welcome.
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600x880px 514.64 KB
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MrUltrabyte's avatar

he lives John 3:16:

  • For God so loved the world: This verse begins by stating that God loves the world. This love is not a love of admiration or appreciation, but a love of compassion and sacrifice. God loves the world so much that he was willing to send his Son to die for it.

  • That he gave his only begotten Son: God's love for the world is so great that he was willing to give up his most precious possession: his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only Son of God, and he was sent to Earth to save us from our sins.

  • That whosoever believeth in him should not perish: If we believe in Jesus Christ, we will not perish. This means that we will not be condemned to hell, but we will have everlasting life.

  • But have everlasting life: Everlasting life is a gift from God that we can receive through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a life that is free from sin and death, and it is a life that will last forever.