I haven't really stopped by this old haunt in a long time, primarily because dA had changed at one point. The content and direction of the site no longer interested me. There were real life issues in my little plot of the world as well and maintaining an online presence had to take a slide to the back burner. At the same time, the Internet was becoming an unsafe place to share original content due to thieves - it still is, sadly. Eventually though, that back burner was turned off, the kitchen became cold and life moved on.
Today however, something prompted me to go through a multitude of old email archives that I keep for posterity or reminiscing, or, who am I kidding? I'm a bit of a pack rat. Anyways, some of these emails were from people who I frequently spoke to here on dA and even had to pleasure of meeting out here in real life. This, in turn, led me to drop by dA and have a look around which led me to diving into my dA messages archives. There are roughly 3000 of them stored