Visual Designer at Riot Games and freelance Concept Artist/Illustrator.
Properties worked on include: League of Legends, Strife, Heroes of Newerth, World of Aetaltis, Outcast Oddysey, Immortalis, Talisman, Android: Netrunner, Salvage, Jack Houston and the Necronauts
GAY. Haha it's funny because you said "rainbow" and i said "gay" like you said I would! I'm an ass!
Screw you, Mitch (just for you Greg)
It's sad, I looooove rainbows and am tired of being persecuted for my tastes.
I'm gay and IIIII don't even know (bi's can come too).
It's a secret not for your ears.
Thank the wizard for turning you into a walrus a few polls ago so you need not answer.
I like rainbows. Hyuck.
Mtich, why are you making this poll when you SHOULD be updating your dA with some new art? I DEMAND AN UPDATE.
I, too, have often wondered such things. Also, why is it that "I must go powder my nose" translates in Spanish to "I must go where the king goes alone!"
Why Mitch, what's it to YOU?