Favourite Visual Artist
Vincent van Gogh
Favourite Movies
Jaws, Aliens, We're No Angels, Pirates of the Caribbean, LOTR Trilogy, The Thing(1952), Jason & the Argonauts, Zulu, The Quiet Man
Favourite TV Shows
Stargate SG1, Star Trek Voyager, Ghosthunters, Dr. Who, Grimm, Alcatraz
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
U2, Led Zepplin, Gotye, Jesse Cook. Fav composer: Bernard Hermann
Favourite Books
Fahrenheight 451, Gray Magic, The Illustrated Man, The Killer Angels
Favourite Writers
Ray Bradbury, Ellis Peters
Favourite Gaming Platform
My kitchen table
Tools of the Trade
pencil, blender, eraser; PS and a genius tablet
Other Interests
Writing, reading, various crafts, dancing, swimming, visiting historic sites,