Sunset Tree from Pinot's Paletterachaelm5 on DeviantArt

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Sunset Tree from Pinot's Palette


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Every couple of years, my whole family treks out to one of those fun drink-and-paint event spaces called Pinot's Palette.  We take a guided tour through a painting process with a model painting to use as a point of reference.  This year, we had a fluffy tree in front of a red, setting sun, with lake reflections. 

I find these exercises relaxing, even without the additional fancy drinks.  I get out of my comfort zone (auuuugh!  Landscapes!) and just have a lot of fun with shape, texture, and brushstrokes for their own sake.  If I get something moderately coherent out of it, good for me!  I will be the first to admit that this is not a super-duper painting, but it *was* fun, and I *did* get to do it with my whole family - sisters, Mom and Dad, and a couple of friends.  It's fun to giggle for a couple of hours while slopping paint around a canvas!

Completed with Blick acrylics.
Image size
800x618px 95.77 KB
© 2021 - 2025 rachaelm5
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bardock737's avatar

Beautiful and Relaxing