With Grace and Beauty Untold R4HUCKSAKE on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/r4hucksake/art/With-Grace-and-Beauty-Untold-972079657R4HUCKSAKE

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With Grace and Beauty Untold



"My heart belongs to you... Only to you... As far as I'm concerned, the whole damn world can burn so long as I'm with you."


Hey everyone,

Thought it was time for another Frazzle seeing as you all seem to adore her. And I can't blame you for doing so. She really is quite the waifu- but I need to find an appropriate voice for her. I was thinking along the lines of a much softer, Manehattanite version of Spoiled Rich's voice.

It's quite the task to find an example of such a voice, but I will succeed in this quest eventually- I have confidence.

Oh, as a heads up, for those who were unaware, It is my intention to get Frazzle properly animated one day. I have neither the time, skills or equipment in order to do so myself. As it stands, I'll have to have it done as a paid commission. I have an artist in mind for it as well- but of course, I'm not saying who... That would be spoilers, my friends...

There's no rush on that, of course- I'll get it done when the time and money are both available.

Base Here: www.deviantart.com/mint-light/…


Thanks for checking out what I've been working on! I hope that you've enjoyed this little diversion, and as always- take care of yourselves, and I'll catch you next time! ^^
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celticSAC's avatar

She is a very beautiful & she’ll be an excellent model for Rarity’s fashion show.