Radish Zing- An Insight R4HUCKSAKE on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/r4hucksake/art/Radish-Zing-An-Insight-1127765199R4HUCKSAKE

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Radish Zing- An Insight


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Quote: “Yes, even magic can’t fix my blindness- as upsetting as that statement still is, even after all these years. Yet, it isn’t all so bad as you might think.”

“As you humans would say, I guess my other senses went into hyperdrive, and have become so much sharper. The quietest sounds are no longer an issue for me, and the most subtle nuances of taste, scent, and touch are mine to vividly appreciate.”

“So, in a manner of speaking, I learned that the world has so much more to offer than simply what one can see. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”


Radish Zing is a 35 year old unicorn mare who was born and raised in Dazzledell Hollow as a member of farmers who work the land just outside the quiet and sleepy town, and who specialise in many different varieties of vegetables.

“Zee,” as her friends call her, lost much of her sight in her early adulthood due to a chronic congenital defect that was discovered in her optic nerves. Much to her family’s horror, it was also discovered that it was untreatable, and utterly incurable.

Since then, for her part, Zee manages to complete her everyday routine and farm chores with surprising efficiency despite her lost vision. Much of this is due to a spell that replicates a high resolution LIDAR, giving her functional spacial awareness and depth perception while this ability is active.

Thus, she has actually built up quite the large magical stamina reserve, and can now cast the LIDAR spell in a split second- far faster than she can cast the standard light, heat and telekinesis spells that are taught to all young unicorns.

Physically, Radish Zing is around average size and weight for a unicorn mare of her age, even if she has a slimmer, more leggy build. Her physical strength is about average for a unicorn mare and is not notable at all. Apart from her blindness, Zee is fit and healthy in all other regards.

Radish is a well-spoken, very social creature, loves to meet new creatures and peoples, and to learn of their cultures and customs. She has an extensive circle of friends in Dazzledell Hollow, being particularly close with Golden Fields and Harvest Festival. Zee can often be found in a bar having a cold beer or hard cider with them after work.

When it comes to more personal matters, Radish Zing is bisexual and doesn’t really care about the species of a potential partner. At present, and as she isn’t getting any younger, she is looking to start a family with the right suitor.

However, despite the fact that looks are not important to her for obvious reasons, her other senses need to be sated, for want of a better term. This is in order for her to know for sure that she has found “the one.” This is of course, after all other potential suitor considerations have been taken into account.

We at the Bureau have been informed by Radish Zing herself that this process should be considered the “Mother of all vibe checks.”

From what we have ascertained from previous partners, we are lead to believe that Zee is particularly sensitive to touch and physical affection, even if she doesn’t go out of her way to get it for the most part. That being said, she does like to generally stay within touching distance of her significant other- we presume that she derives comfort from proximity to her lovers.


Base Here: https://vk.com/doc705215302_680870274

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Alizeebella's avatar

she look very cute 💜💗💙🥰❤