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Richard Suwono
276 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Dec 11, 1989
  • Indonesia
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (414)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (2)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (3)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
My Bio

Professional Digital Artist, Designer,& Illustrator

Who loves #Food, #FGC, #FightingGames

Business & Commissions Inquiries/Contact: richiesuwono@yahoo.com

Twitter: @@richardsuwono

Instagram: @@richardsuwono

Favourite Movies
anime, comedy, romance ^^
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
kotoko, megumi hayashibara,etc... ( >.< too many)
Favourite Games
too many .......LOL
Other Interests
anime, manga, almost all about japanese ^^ (the girls too)
thank you for someone who give me premium membership :D i really thank you so much for it :Dhope him/her will success too :Dthank you again ^^ it&#039;s really greattt :D
anonymous's avatar
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the pageviews is already 12,000 ^^ I want to say thank youuu for all of you who watch and fave my galleries :Dand i still must reach for 100k pageviews!!! thank youuuuuu again to all of you :D LOLBEST regards to all of you :D thank you
anonymous's avatar
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Now it reach for 11,000 pageviews ^^ I want to say thank youuu for all of you who watch and fave my galleries :Dit&#039;s all thanks to all of you ^^and i still must reach for 100k pageviews!!! thank youuuuuu again :D LOL
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 984

anonymous's avatar
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DLPP's avatar
Amaxing gallery
DeltaRoll's avatar

Nice gallery. I especially like those Juri pics you made! Do you take commission requests?

AllBaloneyNo's avatar

HEY! Wishing luck will come your way? Don't fret, my friend! Why... I got something in store for you : )

So, a gray birdie once told me about a building in Fairbanks, Alaska having tons of damning treats behind closed doors. You outta check it for yourself- though you might be wondering "what is waiting for me??

I can't give out much detail, that'd ruin the surprise. What I can tell you is that the building itself is queer; it has an oval-like shape with a baby-blue paintjob. It is kinda hard to spot when it snows. It has the numbers 571 written at the doorstep, along with a red-ish metal staircase on the back. Looks like one of those apartment thingies, except it got a balcony. The goodies inside have plenty of value, though. Over 500,000 dollars worth of collectibles and various media lost over the years. Some old fart used to own the building apparently. As you can tell, he was one hell of a hobbyist. Not many know where he went, maybe he’s dead or something- perhaps still in there begging to be found and put to rest. You can be the first to know, the first to find out. Sounds exciting, eh?

Send this message to 10 different people, get the word out. We can all solve this mystery if more know about it. Copy ‘n paste everything, including this text. I hope the old man is okay.

ShadowEclipex's avatar
Happy Happy Birthday,
From all of us to you!!~
We wish it was our Birthday
So we could party too!!~
Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D 
Fistron's avatar
Happy B-day, dude.;):iconindonesiaplz:Flag of Indonesia Indonesia Indonesian Flag Indonesia Pumpkie Indonesia Indonesia | FLAGS Merah Putih Indonesia flag Indonesia 2 | FLAGS Monaco 2 | FLAGS Indonesia and Monaco Proud to be Indonesian Flag of Indonesia Monaco | FLAGS Flag of Monaco/Indonesia 
GFORCELEVEL1988's avatar
Hi, happy birthday and hope you have a nice day as well :hug: