Barbarella Psychadeliaquotidia on DeviantArt

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Barbarella Psychadelia



So I did a little cosplay on the weekend!

I wasn't planning on going to AMCExpo Melbourne, as I've been retired from and avoiding conventions for a few years now. My Ex was big on the con circuit so there is a guarantee that at every con I will bump into people who knew him dearly but probably got badly burned too, and I just don't want to turn a corner and have a massive panic attack trying to awkwardly make small talk about why 'so and so' 'went weird'. Also, cons are very stressful by their nature for sellers and people who are trying to make a living from their creative work. It's like a massive temple of business talk and having random people explain to you your own line of work lol. It's nuts.

But my lovely boss, for whom I coloured Job Dun: Fat Assassin #1, a short story for mags, and currently working on #2, asked if I'd like to rep the work I'd helped create, no pressure, and ease back into things. The con was being held literally two streets away from my house, in my suburb. I really wanted to spend time with my boss man. I had to conquer that fear.

So I did it. But to be safe, I figured, as spooky looking chick with long black hair and a Morticia vibe, quickly make a costume that is so opposite that I won't be recognised unless I announce myself.


A Very quick build - sewed everything in one evening while power-watching episodes of 'What We Still Don't Know' (HIGHLY recommended! Er, the show, not the sewing your whole costume in one evening before the con thing).

I found the fabric within a few days of knowing I was going to the con, and I will swear to you on my patron saint slav house icon, it looks super silver in person but seems to go mega dark blue in every photo -_____-;;. But I'm happy it's the same little square blocks as hers, not the simple, cheap, dance lycra silver I could have gotten for much less. It probably would have looked better in the end, but I like that it's the little chainmail-like square pattern she has (a lucky find!), even if it photographs too dark. When the sun hits it, it goes bright silver!

The body stocking is the same as semi-sheer hosiery, and my god did it rip beautifully. This was taken at the end of the day and sadly all my fake blood had kinda soaked into my skin :(. But I am definitely going to wear this stocking to music gigs, goth clubs, punk shows, anywhere - it's now officially in my wardrobe lol!

The wig I ordered was a misfire, as the seller by innocent mistake put the wrong piece in the bag. Ideally I'd have planned much earlier so I could replace it, but eh that's how the cards are dealt - luckily I have a big stockpile of stage wigs, so I played with this human hair lace front piece (actually waiting to be used for Resurrection Nina!) and did my best. Looks like a mix of movie and comic Barbarella and probably the only way you'll see me with something close to my natural hair colour XD.

The boots are classic Funtasma gogo boots, painted up and modded, and I promise you I will be wearing these as normal shoes. Just anywhere. Because SPACE BOOTS.

My 'Tonguebox' (thing on hand) is made from a ping pong ball and a children's play mat, hot-glued and tacked together (to make hinge points) with elastic and a quick paint job thanks to dollar store paint and nail polish (yay!).

And then just the usual bit of 60's style make up (didn't try to replicate too closely Jane's, as I don't have her face shape, but used her colour palette).

Had a lot of fun and kicked a lot of fears right in the face with my silver gogo boots! Cheers!
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