Baba Yaga Dandy Rock Starquotidia on DeviantArt

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Baba Yaga Dandy Rock Star



A pencil sketch based on a long and winding idea on Bowie and Slavic mythology.
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999x1332px 1.58 MB
© 2017 - 2025 quotidia
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quotidia you should do a comic about Frollo trying to take down Cinderalla stepmom who he marries in order to get her money so he teams up with Kida, Helga Sinclair from Disney Atlantis and Esmeralda in the end he and his girls have Foursome, the story should be called Disney Wild Things, the only difference is....instead of Frollo and his girls killing eachother for the money, they loved each other and live happly ever after....unlike the film Wild Things itself. Rourke should be villian an officer who secrelty works for Cinderally stepmom to do dirty deeds but Helga joins Frollo.