Hello friends. I would like to invite all of you to my new comical journal Me against Me. What's it about? Well recently I've started working out. Most of my life I've been the fat kid with periods in which I actually been in some sort of "normal" shape. Let's say moments I've not been in a Round Shape. At almost 32, and weighting more than 250 pounds (a lot for a 5'6 guy) I decided to make 2011 the year I loose it all. If this shit (the world) is gonna hit the slack on 2012 I want to look good when it all ends. hehe I started doing exercising and by April I had lost almost 20 pounds while adding some muscle. Yet I got discouraged by the a...
Soon I'll be posting new comics. Meanwhile please follow My Adnormal Life in Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=342091081895&ref=tsRemember sharing is caring so don't hesitate to invite your friends!
If you are, what do you think of the Hall of Fame voting?
Here's my reaction: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/321611-why-a-question-for-baseball-fans-everywhereWhat's yours?