The GrutmothQuinn-Red on DeviantArt

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Quinn-Red's avatar

The Grutmoth



The Grutmoth is a enormous creature of unknown origin, though some speculate it is not of natural creation, or even beyond this realm. The being has only been seen appearing at the aftermath of grand battles.
It seeks mass death with it's sensory tusk and inhales the rotting air with mighty nostrils. The proboscis scours like a gigantic worm, gobbling up the dead and the slow, as the mouths of it's feet consume all caught under it's step. As it chews the corpses, the exposed teeth leak excess blood as well as other fluids. Impressive fins fan the head with their tender cartilage and flesh, perhaps helping to cool the beast as it digest an army.
Once it finishes it's meal, the Grutmoth will leave, only to be seen again at the next massacre.
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2842x2134px 2.21 MB
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CATMONKEY1992's avatar

Looks nice.

This creature has legs that are proportionally similar in thickness to a normal elephant's but its size is several times bigger. I think it's not very realistic, the legs should be either shorter or thicker, every time the size doubles... the volume is multiplied by 8; to keep the same functionality the thickness of the legs should increase in the same proportion even if the legs end up being disproportionately thick (accidentally the design of the Gotzila from the first Japanese movies, which was a guy in a suit, was quite anatomically realistic for its size).

And on the other hand, I think I've read something about Brachiosaurius reaching, or being very close to reaching, the maximum theoretical size for terrestrial vertebrates and that theoretical limit is around 100 tons.

This creature, if it were as it is in this drawing, would be quite fragile in the legs (if its skeleton is made of bones) and especially would have very poor balance.