Moving on.....? [Speedpaint]Quietly-Draws on DeviantArt

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Quietly-Draws's avatar

Moving on.....? [Speedpaint]



First things first;

No, I am not leaving Deviant art in its entirety.
I am hoping things will change. 
But if they don't, I will be shifting my attention elsewhere. 

I started out here. I can't really leave, as all my freinds are here.
5 years worth of my art is rooted here.
 So I won't leave. My account will still be here.

This is here to more call attention to my other social medias that i'll
be trying out, and looking forward to using. 

All my Social Media's -

Speedpaint =

Some of them I just joined this week. 
So forgive me for the lack of content. I still need to learn the site's and
get the motivation to even draw again. 
This whole eclipse situation has been really draining on my mood.

Why? well, the fact that team isnt really considering how a ton of the community feels. 
The lack of features, and al the stuff I have to do.
Like saving my page code. 
Since Eclipse removes all the other custom coded parts of the profile page, 
the only one that carries over is the 'about' section.

So I had to save all my account's code in stash, just so 
I can attempt to later re-impliment my old code. 
I have no idea if it will work. But i will have the links to it below,
so that I ( and other people ) can still see my old code. even if its 
not actually on my page anymore.

OldCode = - Main (Halo )
Second ( Cat ) - - Third ( Glow )
Forth ( Stars ) - - Fifth ( Quiet )
Sixth ( Wilds ) -

And then of course, I have to move thosands of notifications
into the single 'Saved in Eclipse' folder.
Bye bye years of organised nostalgia.

Im gonna talk about stuff from my journal about this Eclipse stuff now;

So to people who are moving away, 
I discovered an amazing guide on migrating to a new site.

Also, another thing. 
Two new sites that are being created to be a better alternative to Deviantart and its terrible Eclipse mode.
The first being . The second being  ArtSpacious  . 

There is also the petition.
Hopefully, it will help get the DA Staff to realise this is a bad idea.
Maybe give it a signature. 

Then there is the sound of silense movement.

You can also send direct feedback about eclipse here:

Lastly, I was shown a video someone made about how eclipse works. 
For those people who are sticking around and need to learn it.

On a more positive side note; 
Being stuck indoors makes it a bit easier to 
play petsims and videogames-

All the Petsims I play =
( most active on Flightrising and DragonCave atm. but thats subject to change. )

Stay safe people. 
And hope DA can at least learn something from this. 
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