Quelchii's avatar


Nicole Rebbert
226 Deviations

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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Traditional Art
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Favourite Visual Artist
Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet
Favourite Movies
Avengers, Thor, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park and many more...
Favourite TV Shows
Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Game of Thrones (1-7), Supernatural, Buffy, The Boys, The Witcher, WandaVision
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Linkin Park, Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, Trailer Music (Two Steps From Hell, Audiomachine, Position Music,...), Soundtracks
Favourite Games
The Legend of Zelda (OOT, MM), Super Mario World, Witcher III, Dark Souls Trilogy, Bloodborne
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo Switch, Gamecube, N64, SNES, PS5
Tools of the Trade
Faber-Castell Polychromos artists' colour pencils, Copic Sketch and more (see descriptions), Canon EOS 600D + Canon 100mm Macro, Photoshop CS5
Other Interests
carnivorous plants (especially Utricularia), minerals
After so many years I finally decided to come back. I'm very sorry, that I didn't answer you amazing comments and heartwarming messages. It means a lot to me. But sadly I noticed that this site changed a bit over the past years. I'm not able to find anything on this new "deviantart" and many features are missing. I've always loved this site, the awesome community and their support, but I decided to try out another site. It's time to try something else. So I'll finally move on to Instagram and start with reposting my old drawings in a new way. It's always been a bit difficult for me to get attention with my drawings, because people sometimes think that they look like photos, when they only see a small thumbnail (and now that I can't even find a traditional art folder on dA it's even more frustrating). So I'll take pictures of my drawings arranged with some pencils, equipement and other stuff (not just boring photos without anything). Hopefully that will work on Instagram and I hope it's
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UpdatesIn the past days I managed to update some major things on my website and deviantart site! :la: After the very stressful past weeks (I was ill... my laptop "died"... the spray-irrigation system of my main terrarium "turned into a fountain" and submerged the room... and so on) I'm pretty happy that I finally solved all these issues! And yes, I'll continue and also try to answer most of my emails, notes and more (I'm so sorry for the delay!). So here are some of the things I've updated:Sometimes I have to answer some questions over and over again, so I decided to make a FAQ (frequently asked questions) journal: FAQ Top 3 questions: - ...
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1. How are you drawing like this? a.k.a. HOW???! With a lot of patience, practice and good pencils. Here are some of my step by step tutorials (explanation in the description) with my technique: Tutorials ... and never forget: Practice makes perfect! 2. Where did you learn to draw like this? Did you use any books or did you go to art school? No, I'm a self-taught artist and I didn't read any books. I just learned everything by myself. Sometimes I see a nice technique (inverted drawing) or tool (Aquash brushes) and try it out or most of the time I just invent / find out a strange technique to solve a problem. 3. When did you start drawing?...
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Spittwerks's avatar

These are unbelievable. What form of witchcraft or nanite science do you use? I'd have favorited all the ones I like, but that'd be all of them and my finger gets tired. Great work!

KittySib's avatar

Cake cake Happy Birthday!   Cake emoji

TheUnclothedArtist's avatar

You have an amazing gallery and am such a talented artist and I hope to see more in the future.:clap:

Take care and stay safe and well and if you ever fancy a chat, please drop me a note or chat message as I love to talk with other artists.:)

Deep6Howl's avatar

God you must have the patience of a saint.  *bows to your gallery*

Quelchii's avatar

Thank you very much! :meow: