QueenQuinnStudios's avatar


Hiya Puddin!
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Mar 31
  • United States
  • Deviant for 10 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (114)
My Bio

Hi! Welcome to my page!
A little about me, I'm an artist, I draw with colored pencils and watercolor
I'm a furry! My fursona is Opal the deer.
I'm also a cosplayer! (And hopefully a fursuiter in the future!) I love to make my own cosplay and go to conventions!

Mood: Determined!
Watching: Bleach
Listening to: Ninja Sex Party
Reading: Peach Girl
Playing: Pokemon Y/ Bayonetta

Favourite Movies
Musicals, chick flicks, comedies and Disney
Favourite TV Shows
Any anime
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Country/pop/violin covers/ pretty much anything with a good beat
Favourite Books
I love all manga but my faves are Fruits Basket and anything by CLAMP
Favourite Writers
CLAMP, Jodi Picoult, Scott Westerfield
Favourite Games
DCUO and Portal 2 and Pokemon
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation/ Nintendo 3ds
Tools of the Trade
Colored Pencils
Other Interests
Cosplay! I'm a licensed Hairstylist! So I also have a love for beauty and all things cosmotology
Hey guys! I'm taking offers on Scrabble.Scrabble is my dun Norwegian Fjord Pony character. She comes with 4 pieces of art: 1 badge and 3 NSFW pieces. You get either the high quality uploads or I can send the originals to you, as they are all traditional pieces.Once you own her she's yours! You can change her anyway you want, even her name.I'm trying to sell her quickly to send me your offer via private message.All art (except one for some reason) is in my gallery and all art is by me
anonymous's avatar
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Selling Uno

0 min read
Hey guys! I decided to start taking offers on Uno.Uno is a blue hyena with red, yellow and green spots. Same with her hair. She comes with 14 pieces of art: 12 NSFW and 2 clean pieces (all of which can be found in my gallery). You would recieve either high quality uploads off all the pieces or I can send the originals (they are all traditional art). Once you own her, she's yours! You can change anything about her, her name, whatever.  I'm trying to sell her quickly so shoot me message with an offer, basically I'll take the best one
anonymous's avatar
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Busy Busy Busy

0 min read
Hello HelloI'm going to be posting more on DA again. But it'll be much more varied stuff.I'm drawing again so I'll be posting more artwork. Again I'm not planning on doing more echhi but I'll still be doing a lot of other furry related artwork. I've branched out to using watercolor as well as my traditional colored pencils so that mixes things up a bit too We might even get the return of my OC's but in a more innocent form (I do love them a lot which is why I still have them)I've been making and selling cat ears and tails so I'll be posting more of that. I'm branching out from Instagram where I've been focusing my attention. I don't think ...
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Profile Comments 175

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db1993's avatar
Happy Birthday 🎁🎉🎊🎈🎂 
RhapsodyTales's avatar
Thank you so much for the fav, I really appreciate it Heart Heart !!
AjayRulezzz's avatar
Ah22783's avatar
Happy bday! Toy Chica Animation Five Nights at Freddys 2- Chicas Cupcake -Icon GIF Five Nights at Freddy's 2 - Sexy Chica - Icon GIF Bonnie - Five Nights in Anime Mangle - Five Nights in Anime Golden Freddy - Five Nights in Anime The Puppet - Five Nights in Anime Foxy - Five Nights In Anime Chica - Five Nights in Anime SpringBonnie - Five Nights in Anime Freddy - Five Nights in Anime Hamtaro  La Food Jump For Joy  love your art! QueenQuinnStudios 
BlazeNekoFox's avatar
Happy birthday *hug*
db1993's avatar
Birthday cake  icon Happy Birthday Birthday cake  icon 
acebird1234's avatar
Hello there do you still do art trades in sorry I just wanted to ask.