Toyhouse purge (Open)

1 min read

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QueenOfFoliage's avatar

Been cleaning out my toyhouse account, looking to get rid of a bunch of characters I don't use ;w;

~~~< >~~~ 

-Anyone in the "Please take!" folder are insanely easy to get, I really want them gone ;A;

-Anyone in the "Picky" folder are character I spent a lot of time to make/get them so I can't really accept low ball offers.

-Anyone in the "Tentative" folder are the hardest to get, they're characters I'm considering keeping.

Offers I'm looking for are:

-DA Points


-Character trades (Highly prefer humanoids)


-A combination of above (example "20 points + bust sketch and a custom")

If you have a question don't at all be afraid to ask ^^

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Kitsukimoon's avatar

Hiya and caught my eye. Would you accept art for them? Let me know if you want some examples ^^