Stolen from Infoenix who stole it from Bubble-Tea-Queen who stole it from Lana--Bannana
[x] You have blue/green eyes (Blue)
[] You have freckles
[] You blush a lot (I don't know :/)
[x] You giggle
[] You're quiet
[x] You say random things (With friends and family, yep)
[] You have a baby face
[] You wear more "down-to-earth" kind of clothing (I don't know :-: )
[] You're under 5 feet 6 inches (5'2)
Total: 3
[x] You're a virgin (I'm 12..)
[] Just thinking of sexual things make you blush
[x] Your idea of a date is really romantic (Sometimes)
[] You sleep with a stuffed animal
[x] You like to cuddle
[x] You have never played the nervous game
[x] You don't even now what the nervous game is
Total: 5
[] You like the color pink
[] You tend to wear light colors
[x] You CAN be ignorant
[x] You consider yourself shy (Sometimes)
[x] You like happy, upbeat music
[] You like "cutesy" music
[x] You like small animals
[x] You like babies a lot
[x] Mini version of things make you go nuts
Total: 6
Total: 14
Now take your number and multiple it by 5.
Then re-post this as "I'm --% Cute".
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
I'm Average :3
Used from: Nightshade-Pota [ ] smoked
[ ] consumed alcohol
[x] slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex (Not that way)
[X] slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex (I had a sleepover)
[ ] kissed someone of the same sex
[ ] kissed someone of the opposite sex
[x] had someone in your room other than family (Friends :p)
[ ] watched porn
[ ] bought porn
[ ] tried drugs
TOTAL: 3[ ] taken painkillers
[ ] taken someone else's prescription medicine
[X] lied to your parents
[X] lied to a friend
[ ] sneaked out of the house
[ ] done something illegal
[x] felt hurt
[x] hurt someone
[ ] gotten into a fight
[ ] wished so...
Important Update On Posting And This Account
Important! Hey guys! It's been a couple months since I've posted anything, and I wanted to explain my reasons on why.
1. I've started high school this year and I've been focusing on settling in, doing homework and studying
2. I'm in my school's production so I have to practice and I have rehearsals after school
3. I honestly have had no motivation or inspiration to draw recently and I haven't drawn anything
4. I've been focusing on editing and trying to get videos out on my YouTube channel weekly
5. I'm trying to spend more time with friends and familyI'm sorry for the complete lack of posting, and I honestly don't even know if I...
New Year Meme (Referenced Off yeagar)
Hey guys! So yeah I've barely been posting any drawings again, sorry. My pen for outlining ran out and I've only just been able to buy another one so I finally can finish off drawings. I'm able to post one today finally and I have another one that needs doing. I missed drawing, and I hope I can start doing it again and start uploading more art again. Anyway, just wanted to update you guys!
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