I'm 70% Cute :3

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QueenHerobrineGaming's avatar
Stolen from Infoenix who stole it from Bubble-Tea-Queen who stole it from Lana--Bannana

[x] You have blue/green eyes (Blue)
[] You have freckles
[] You blush a lot (I don't know :/)
[x] You giggle
[] You're quiet
[x] You say random things (With friends and family, yep)
[] You have a baby face
[] You wear more "down-to-earth" kind of clothing (I don't know :-: )
[] You're under 5 feet 6 inches (5'2)

Total: 3

[x] You're a virgin (I'm 12..)
[] Just thinking of sexual things make you blush
[x] Your idea of a date is really romantic (Sometimes)
[] You sleep with a stuffed animal
[x] You like to cuddle
[x] You have never played the nervous game
[x] You don't even now what the nervous game is

Total: 5

[] You like the color pink
[] You tend to wear light colors
[x] You CAN be ignorant
[x] You consider yourself shy (Sometimes)
[x] You like happy, upbeat music 
[] You like "cutesy" music
[x] You like small animals
[x] You like babies a lot
[x] Mini version of things make you go nuts 

Total: 6

Total: 14
Now take your number and multiple it by 5.
Then re-post this as "I'm --% Cute".

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