Hey everyone, and welcome to my lookup!
There's not much here, but I'm still working on filling my gallery up with sketches, doodles, actual artwork, stuff like that, so come back when you can, there's always new stuff to see!
Favourite Movies
BAMBI, any Dreamworks/Pixar movie, Talladega Nights, many others
Favourite TV Shows
The Big Bang Theory, MLP:FIM, Family Guy
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Queen, Coldplay, Gorillaz, Green Day, Tobuscus
Favourite Books
Lots, mostly fictional stories
Favourite Games
Legend of Zelda(any) Pokemon White/Diamond and many more
Favourite Gaming Platform
Pssh tons: Wii, 3ds, N64, WiiU(when it comes out)
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, paper, pens, colored pencils,Wacom Pen/Touch tablet, Photoshop Elements 6.0
Other Interests
Reading, doodling in notebooks, horses, fantasy stuff, neopets