Current Residence: Forest of Doom, Norfolk, UK
deviantWEAR sizing preference: huge
Favourite genre of music: Varied - detest barber shop
Favourite photographer: Me
Favourite style of art: Outsider
Operating System: Vista
MP3 player of choice: None son has borrowed it ages ago not returned
Shell of choice: Crispy
Wallpaper of choice: Latest shot to remind me to sort them
Skin of choice: Mine
Favourite cartoon character: Penfold from DangerMouse Taz
Personal Quote: Why do I keep doing that ???
Your Line-art - hearts, flowers, peps, etc
Vintage postcards
Vintage Risque couples
Calligraphy encil:
Borders and frames
No one loves me
Other icknose:
Hiya Dawn! Just love the old photos,although some times I feel a little sad that the people in them pass into obscurity with little or no remembrance. Thank you for them.
Hey there! I used your fantastic stock in my newest creepy pic. Thank you for such great resources! Cheers!
Beautiful stock... thank you for sharing!!
Happy Birthday In A Few Days My Friend,
May God Bless You With Many More.