Favorite genre of music: heavy metal, Kpop, reggaeton
Favorite photographer: none
Favorite style of art: manhwa, traditional, manga, jim lee
Wallpaper of choice: Afro samurai
Skin of choice: Vitiligo
Favorite cartoon character: spongebob, izuku midoriya, homer simpson, katakuri, danny phantom, otto rocket, hank hill
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
transformers, predator 2, kick ass, sonic the hedgehog, evolution, richie rich, evil dead, killer klowns from outer space, tremors, fun with dick and jane
Favourite TV Shows
X-play, spongebob, family matters, meet the browns, rocko's modern life, rocket power, hunter x hunter, one piece, black clover, my hero academia, bob's burgers
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Homemade kazku, dj ozma, zen-la-rock, gorillaz
Favourite Books
drawing books, art books, manga
Favourite Games
soul calibur, monster hunter world, plants vs zombies, dauntless, dynasty warriors, destiny 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS4, nintendo switch
Tools of the Trade
Sketch books, coloring pencils, clip studio paint
Other Interests
writing, cooking, toy photography