Howl's Moving Castle: Happily Ever After (+SpeedptQin-Ying on DeviantArt

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Howl's Moving Castle: Happily Ever After (+Speedpt



:new:Speedpaint is out!

“I think we ought to live happily ever after," and she thought he meant it. Sophie knew that living happily ever after with Howl would be a good deal more hair-raising than any storybook made it sound, though she was determined to try.

"It should be hair-raising," added Howl. 

"And you'll exploit me," Sophie said.

"And then you'll cut up all my suits to teach me.” 

-Diana Wyne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle

Painted on borrowed time so lots of messy details sorry argh >_<;; Sorry for not replying some of your comments, i've been swamped lately but I read and treasure all of them ;;;

One of my favourite Ghibli movies , and the book made me love it even more! <3 I was always afraid to draw fanart for it, because I kept feeling like I would mess up (and I did lol); well in the end I listened to some advice and just went for it aha.

I actually have the footage of the drawing process but still thinking about making the speedpaint because there's a lot of rushed work and messy details that's kind of embarrassing ;; we'll see.
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1227x785px 1.11 MB
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Naoko62's avatar
Oh my, I watch your work at YouTube and you are one of my favourite artists! I am amazed of your art and now that you drew Howl and Sophie I love you even more!!! Following you was the first thing I did when I did a Deviant Art account. Me loves ya senpai~ (^3^)