Wathais - Audunqhostqrowls on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/qhostqrowls/art/Wathais-Audun-775014513qhostqrowls

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Wathais - Audun



Name: Audun
Species: Drake subspecies - North Australian Glider 
Gender: male
Age: 23
Weight: 5,000lbs in drake form, 165lbs in human form
Height: 11ft in drake form, 6ft in human form
Length: 36ft in drake form
WDSA status: white, unregistered

A hard start to life has taught Audun to be wary, tough, and to take what he can get while he can - a true opportunist. He has a bitter and rather dog-eat-dog outlook, and a short, fierce temper to match. 

His social skills are very poor and he comes across as stiff, blunt and hard to read, and is terrible at noticing cues or body language hints. He is overly defensive and quick to snap, often reacting more violently to a situation then necessary. 

The infamous draconic pride many of his kind display is virtually nonexistent for him, and only shows in his unabashed boldness and his flair for showing off, if the opportunity arises aka if there are ladies to impress

He does have a strong sense of fairness - for certain settings. He fights fairly and honestly, albeit savagely, and stands up for those who are outmatched or disadvantaged. 

With the select few he allows himself to be comfortable around, he is playful, teasing and laid back, content to sun himself and sleep. He often feels isolated and that he is unable to make meaningful relationships, and is beginning to make an effort to be less standoffish, but old habits die hard.

-Venom: Lowers blood pressure and stops blood from clotting. Effects include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness and eventually collapse and convulsions. It is typically not fatal and serves to weaken prey to the point of collapse, for easier tracking. The multiple venom ducts between his teeth means that his venom is not injected as efficiently as a snakes venom. Instead, his teeth tear open wounds that the venom can seep into. A sustained attack would be needed for a lethal amount of venom to be injected, and at that point the wounds would likely be the actual cause of death.
-Firebreathing: can breathe fire that reaches temperatures of 2000C, if sustained
-Fire resistance: fireproof to a degree, does not burn/can withstand temperatures up to 2500C
-speed: top speed is 85km/h
-climber: his curved talons make for a very skilled climber. Can scale vertical surfaces.   
-gliding: Audun is too heavy, and the patagium does not have a large enough surface area, for him to actually glide - at best it lends extra distance to any leaps or lunges. Its main function is for courtship and threat displays.
-fighter: his kind is known for their savagery, but even so he has a particularly brutal reputation. His tail and claws have blinded many opponents and he is known for leaving fatal wounds. In his human form, Audun is a professional in kickboxing, boxing, and cagefighting, and is considering starting lessons.
-weapons: an expert marksman, Audun is well trained in a variety of firearms, but prefers not to use them. Specializes in long distance weapons. 

-Cold blooded
-Mortal: is injured like any other animal, has no accelerated healing. His skin is harder to penetrate then most, but he is not bulletproof. His scales are more like rough skin then hard plated scales - think goanna skin vs crocodile skin.
-terrible social skills: his lack of social awareness means he scraps more often then he would like. He doesn’t mean to come across as rude but often gets into difficult situations regardless 
-fear of dogs: will avoid any contact with them and run from any dog bold enough to chase him. He knows it’s an irrational fear, but the sound of their barking and growling in particular will send him into a panic, and he will likely revert to his halfway or drake form.

-loves fish, but is terrible at fishing
-has lived in the southern states of the USA for almost his entire life. 
-originates from Australia, however does not have an Australian accent, and has a southern one instead. 

Image size
3800x2800px 2.13 MB
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NightshadeVII's avatar
It is the boi. I already need to meet him in threads so bad holy heck XD 
I still loveeee how he looks ❤️ Handsome boi