Gilda Dash Luna Combo Assault by AniRichie-ArtQ99 on DeviantArt

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Gilda Dash Luna Combo Assault by AniRichie-Art



“And then I zoomed past, dodging the lightning bolt!” Dash motions with her hooves.

“That’s so awesome!” Rainbow Feather said, “But wait, if they were all electric-y and were resistant to most magic, how’d Gilda hit ‘em without being zapped too?”

“Ah, that tis where I come in,” Luna says. “While the magic of the elements protected them and allowed them to have an effect on the Storm Lords, mine was directly less, and I was not as agile as your mothers, so instead I stayed right behind them and protected Gilda with my power, enhancing her strikes. Her griffon rush was most effective!”

Gilda, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Luna kickin' tail against some evil lightning-types that threaten Equestria!

Made by :iconanirichie-art: AniRichie-Art for me as part of the storyline for Rainbow Feather Replies

All characters are owned by Hasbro!

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1500x971px 1.38 MB
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