All Chakra ChartQ3eory on DeviantArt

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All Chakra Chart



this describes the Nine Wheels, or Nexuses, by which Energy descends into Matter, thus Manifesting your Vehicle.
they are commonly called the Seven Chakras by people using the incomplete, Yoga-style, "bottom up" numbering,
they are also sometimes called the Five Khor Lungs by those trained in the Tibetan Mystic Arts of Three Tantras.
these systems are all partial (in every sense of the word) as is the skimpy explanation offered by Jewish Mystics.
the Ten Holy Sephirah of the Mathematical QaBaLaH, as commonly taught in the Puzzle Tree is also Incomplete.
this diagram, describes the Nth Dimensional Physics of "reality" manifestation as a Tesseracted Ladder in Series,
thus allowing the partial systems to be compared to each other and understood as having devolved from Unity.
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