Esortheghost revengePyroAshes on DeviantArt

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Esortheghost revenge



Art fight attack back on the other artist, they drew their tree character with mine as some line art, no color, so I decided to go a step further and give them a full color version

So art fight has been a blast so far, and this person's tree character has stood out to me, after about 2 attacks from them, I did this piece and decided okay, let's go, get a bit more serious on the shading and coloring and make it magical.

Zimmer stood ontop of the tree spirit laughing a bit, the tree spirit had the willow vines hold a cookie that zimmer had to try to reach. Zimmer stood up as high as they could reaching and reaching, the tree spirit gave in a bit and lowered the willows vines a bit. Zimmer snatched up the cookie..

"I told you silly, I could reach the cookie. Thanks though."
The tree spirit's eyes smiled.  The tree spirit gestured the frog stuffie towards the fennec.
"No no, I brought fredrick for you to have. You looked lonely, so I thought you could use a friend."

The tree spirit tossled the fennecs hair tuff out of amusement but kept the frog close.
Updated with the art fight story. 
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562x784px 529.61 KB
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