[Smurfs] Hearing FeelingsPutterPen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/putterpen/art/Smurfs-Hearing-Feelings-705831798PutterPen

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[Smurfs] Hearing Feelings



“You could hear us talking to you?“, Hefty wondered aloud.

Smurfette shrugged. “I don’t think you were actually…talking. It’s like I could, I don’t know, feel you? Your feelings and wishes? Something like that.”

“Huh.” Hefty went nervously silent. “Seriously?”

Smurfette giggled. “There were a lot of voices, I could hear all of you at once and one at a time, at the same time. It was weird.”

“I’d suspect so.”

“And amazing. And terrifying,”, She grimaced. “Becoming a lump of clay isn’t the best feeling in the world.”

Hefty frowned. “Do you remember anything?”, He asked.

Smurfette inspected the flower thoughtfully.

“I remember a lot actually.” She looked up at the other smurf. “What everyone felt at that moment.”

When their eyes met, Hefty’s heart did a running jump into his throat, like someone had punched him in the neck, it was hard to breathe.  “I…”

“We miss you, Smurfette.”, Smurfette whispered, breathing in the sweet scent of the flower.

Everyone admitted they cared, of course they did, she’s the best! Hefty could exhale again… until he saw the soft blush overtake her beautiful smiling face.

“And you said, ‘I love you, Smurfette.’

- - - - - 

My idea of an exchange they had at some point after the movie. I swear if I draw more smurfs it won't just be these two.

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