Favourite Visual Artist
Honestly, I have many now. O.O;
Favourite TV Shows
Well I'm into ghost stuff. But lately been The Walking Dead
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
30 seconds to Mars, and Skillet! -squeals and falls over- And some random artists whom I'm to lazy to put down *snickers*
Favourite Books
Are you kidding me? I'm supposed to have a favorite. *chews on nails* But...but.. I can't put a single finger on ONE of em!
Favourite Writers
Toughy... a toughy that one is.
Favourite Games
Oh lord, there are just too many now!
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Mechanical pencil, a clean sheet of paper, scanner, Adobe photoshop CS6, and mah imagination.
Other Interests
MTT sparkle dragons, role playing, anime, drawing, comics, furries, animals, fantasy, romance, and the forbidden pleasure ^^