Humanised Gorillaz CDs - 1 Gorillazpuresthope125 on DeviantArt

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Humanised Gorillaz CDs - 1 Gorillaz



Introducing my first CD OC character, Dillan Sapien, the representation of Gorillaz

Soooooo yeah
Recentally, I've been inspired by my one of my favorite YouTubers, LavenderTowne, where she has a series of videos where she turns different things into cute character designs like food, drinks, planets, zodiac signs, etc. However, after watching her video turning K-Pop songs into characters and it got me heavily inspired to create my own character designs based on the different Gorillaz albums. Using the different fictional characters as the basis for each character in order of how important they are to each album...
As well as what their role is! (Plus their ages are partly inspired by the age of Noodle during each album)

So, starting off with Dillan Sapien, he is ghost rapper heavily inspired by Del the Funky Homosapien! He is 28 and simular to Del, is also a ghost after being accidently killed in a car accident much to the despair of his best friend Harrison. Dillan is known for his rapping skills, possessing people during concert success and nightclubs he goes to with Harrison to make them start rapping. Both guys heavily enjoy listening to Gorillaz so when they hear the news of someone starting a Gorillaz tribute band, knowing of their skills with rapping and drumming, they both travel to where the tribute band is starting and they join in. They become the "dads" of the band, especially since half of them are older kids or young teens, but Dillan is seen as the "fun" dad since he enjoys playing sports, taking bets and taking joy rides in any sorts of vericales (much to the annoyance of Harrison lol)

(Gorillaz) Del the funky homosapien 
I hope you guys like him and can't wait for the rest of his friends/family!

Del the Funky Homosapein and Gorillaz belong to Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn
Dillan Sapien and art belong to :iconpuresthope125:
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1536x2048px 4.54 MB
© 2019 - 2025 puresthope125
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