
Life on another Planet

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puppysmilies's avatar

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  I went outside. It was a lovely day as I looked at the Red Sky. I went into the kitchen, and my dad was sitting at the table reading the daily news disc.

“ Anything exciting today. “ I asked

He turns to me and replies, “ There are rumours that they discovered life in another world .”

As I went to the cupboard and get out a couple of discs

“ Which planet,” I asked

He thought about it as he held up the news disc, took a spoon full of pebbles out of the bowl, scratched his head, and held up 3 talons.

“ The third planet from the sun,” he replied

“ Are you crazy? I would be way too hot there?  “

He shakes his head

“ Does it have pictures of what they look like? “

He then put the news disc down. I went over to the table and put my breakfast on the table Hovering beside him.

“ How young are they. “

“ I believe these are adults. “

I shook my head.

I was looking at the creatures with only two arms and two legs, and I wasn’t sure, but they seemed to be covered by something. I was not sure, but it didn’t look like they had wings.

He then slid the image, and another picture of the creature appeared, this time from the other side.

“ How do they get around. “ I asked

“ I believed they walk. “ he replied

I  looked at him with confusion. I did walk every once in a while, but usually, if I had to go more than 10 steps, I would fly.

“ would that take forever o get anywhere? “

I started to eat when the room began to turn green. I sighed and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek.

“ I have to go. “

“Have a nice day Seara, “ he replied

I then left, went outside and was soon flying. I flew up to my best friend.

And was flying beside him.

He said something to me after I didn’t answer him

“ What was that .” I asked him,

“ sorry, I was just thinking. “

“ About what ?”

“ They found life on another planet. “

He looked at me like I was crazy

“ Yeah, they had pictures and everything. “

He stopped and was hovering there. “

“ What did look they like. “

“ They had two arms and no wing. “

“ Come on, you two, we will be late. “

father and daughter discuss  the news that they found life on another planet  
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