Jacob Ink.Punkn13 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/punkn13/art/Jacob-Ink-637674791Punkn13

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Punkn13's avatar

Jacob Ink.



So, in the art class I'm taking currently: Illustration 1, we've been doing all of our projects with ink. I posted the first one a few weeks ago, those silhouette heads. It's been really fun. Now we're delving more into different gradient techniques....and I discovered something: You can use ink like WATERCOLOR. It is beautiful. I spent a while inking one of my old drawings (above) yesterday to figure out this new medium. I'm in love. So, here's Jacob Reckless as a water, India ink, and Micron Pen piece.
Because we're working only with ink, my whole class is participating in #inktober2016 this year. I'm going to upload my piece for that today, too. I'm excited!
Good luck to everyone participating!
Image size
324x480px 35.36 KB
Date Taken
Oct 1, 2016, 4:40:15 PM
© 2016 - 2025 Punkn13
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MoonyMina's avatar
way cool!!! I wouldn't have thought about using ink like watercolor... is it difficult? what material do you use?