Favourite Visual Artist
Myself, with the skills I used to have, and will slowly train again. (Then I can afford to be somewhat more modest in my ostentation.)
Favourite Movies
Robot Bastard (2002)
Favourite TV Shows
Ringwald and Molly (2002), The Suits (~2010?) (Crude, Violent, Animated Stories on www.channel101.com)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
George Strait - "I Can Still Make Cheyenne"
Favourite Books
"Watership Down" by Richard Adams
Favourite Writers
Greg Judy (greenpasturesfarm.net), and Walter Jeffries (sugarmtnfarm.com)
Favourite Games
Open Source, and certain grindless or low-grind F2P titles.
Favourite Gaming Platform
I am told that it is now unsupported, even though I just updated it ...as recommended...
Tools of the Trade
Knowledge of how to professionally repair and maintain Adobe Flash Player.