New Contest: NEW Innocence Character ArtsAaaaaand, we're back!
Okay, so maybe I am a little greedy/impatient/unoriginal. I just remember this idea being a huge success, a lot of artists joined, a lot of people had fun, so I thought, why not do it again? Anyway, I think I've discovered why that contest was such a success; it's probably the simplest contest idea I've ever done. And rightfully so, since there's not really much to it.
For this contest, you would only have to design one or more, if you want, of the members of the cast of Innocence. Both traditional and digital arts are accepted, and the character is your choice. If you would like to do a pairing, however, there are some that are prohibited, since most of the cast is underage, and some characters are of legal age. Please don't be gross...
The story is about a boy who lives with 5 younger children and takes care of them, who one day gets into a fight with a group of bullies at his school who turn out to be child m