Salem Nordheim reference sheetPsilocube on DeviantArt

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Salem Nordheim reference sheet




His tattoos separated in a .png format: (doesn't include the back tattoo)


Additional information:

- He is a physical formation of Satan (=he is the 9th son/reformation of Lucifer)
- He doesn't classify his sexuality (he basically fucks everything that moves (and doesn't move))
- The highest priest of the Temple of Set
- Multi-instrumentalist: plays guitar, keyboards/piano, drums and is a really talented in clean & raw vocals
- Is a member of multiple (mainly inactive) metal bands. He also has formed a band with his best friends
- May seem like a really cold and non-humorous person, but he is really just a sweet sinnamon roll with a bit twisted sense of humor

Likes and aesthetics:
Bittercold weekend mornings, irish coffee, collecting and listening to music vinyls & CDs, whiskey, red Marlboro cigarettes, cats, playing guitar and keyboards, rainy days, cooking, BDSM, art galleries, going to concerts with friends, long hugs, chilling in the band camp with friends, drinking coffee on the balcony, winter

Hates and no no's:
Loneliness, seafood (fish, shrimps etc.), waking up early, Primus (the band), noisy and annoying persons, hot weather, walking long distances

Top 20 Bands: ( just in case you don't recognize the logos )

Emperor, Mayhem, Watain, Marduk, Satanic Warmaster, Beherit, Lifelover, Barathrum, Sacrilegious Impalement, Shining, Kall, Impaled Nazarene, Leviathan, Archgoat, Sólstafir, Mustan Kuun Lapset, Arcturus, Bathory, Goatmoon and Catamenia
Image size
3500x2333px 9.72 MB
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Here is a Black Metal Marie-Sue