Current Residence: UK Favourite genre of music: Musicals Favourite style of art: chracter design, comic, disney Favourite cartoon character: Cyclops. Personal Quote: "It's like make a wish, without that pesky terminal illness"
Favourite Movies
Mulan, The Incredibles,
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Mr sondheim
Favourite Writers
J K Rowling, Joss Whedon, Tina Fey, Jennifer Saunders, Toby Whitehouse
Other Interests
Musical theatre, X-men,writing, words, general geekiness
So i forfilled a teenage dream of playing Sally Brown in You're a Good Man Charlie Brown this month. It was literally the MOST fun I have ever had doing a show, ever. It makes me cry to think that its over. Anyway our production was filmed on our final tech run and i was lucky enough to get hold of the video. This is me pretending to be 4 and trying very hard not to be kristen Chenoweth a video of me speaking american. finally a video of Lucy and Schroeder singing phantom of the opera and being outright hilarious. SHOW EVER. excuse me whilst i go...
I just want to say thanks to those who voted in the Ipad Design Competition Voting ends tomorrow. Looks like I'm gonna finish in 7th. We had a good Run.My DA is a little quiet these days. I do tend to update much more regularly on my tumblr and daily on my Sketch Blog, there are usually sketches about Once upon a time or drawings i don;t think are finished enough for DAI won't forget the overwhelming support i get on here with comments and favs you guys are great and have keep me drawing!hopefully i'll have some worthwhile things to post soon.tumblr:
Please vote for my design on the facebook app here Jessica Siswick.I would be forever greatful if you did. :)Thank you so much to all for the birthday Messages. Get to do the harry potter studio tour soon. A proper way to celebrate being a grown up.