Microsoft and other major antivirus vendors have flagged SkinPack Installer as "malware". This is likely due to Microsoft's hatred against SkinPack installer, not because it contains a virus or such. Flags from Microsoft usually spread to other antivirus vendors.
If you are downloading from this page, please temporarily disable real-time protection or save to a folder excluded from antivirus scans.
Failure to exclude SkinPack's installer files may result in inability to install/uninstall SkinPack installer and explorer.exe being unable to start.
If you do not trust this process, please refrain from using SkinPack installer and use portable version or look for alternatives instead like WindowBlinds Skins.
Because skin packs will change file system (imageres.dll) to change icons so anti virus give warning, please disable temporary if you’re using anti virus.
Anti Virus apps cannot correctly distinguish between apps that modify Windows system files with the user’s consent and apps