Cheering Sigurd OnProfessorShiro on DeviantArt

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Cheering Sigurd On



The voting gauntlet's tomorrow! Joy... =w= Say what you want about it, but you can't deny a lot of the fanworks that come out of it are pretty nice. And I just had to make this because of the bracket...

Since Sigurd's one of the competitors, and he's a lot of Genealogy fans' favorite lord (Honestly, I think he's the most likely to win block B, although we'll see how it goes), the idea makes itself: His wife Deirdre cheering him on in the competition! Even if their relationship is kinda cheesy, a love at first sight thing, and it only lasts for a few chapters, it's still pretty sweet. If Genealogy ever gets a remake, I'd love to see a support chain of these two, a la Clive and Mathilda in Shadows of Valentia. 

I won't lie, though, this was an absolute pain to make. Sigurd's sprite was a bit tricky, due to how cavalry sprites are, and Deirdre's arms... dear Naga, Deirdre's arms. They were a pain to get just right so it looked like she was holding the flags, and getting all the layers JUST right was absolute hell. There was also the proportions, thanks to cavalry sprites, again, but overall, I think that turned out well!

I think the total time it took for this was around 3 hours, and again, I just love how it turned out. So tell me what you think!
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WitheredKey's avatar
Well, Sigurd Lost. So did I. For three Voting Gauntlets in a row.