KHII - Two Sided StoryProdigyBombay on DeviantArt

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KHII - Two Sided Story



:'D ...I made the DA file bigger so you can use this as a desktop wallpaper (It's perfect for my laptop, since it's widescreen)...for personal use!! *hit download for full file*

Please ask me first if you're planning to archive this on a website.

So...I can't seem to leave my Sora picture alone. XD This picture is definitely a chimera...

Added Roxas to the mix. I got the idea to add him and it wouldn't leave me alone. It was probably more trouble than it was worth, but I learned many things while drawing this picture...

...namely that I need a faster computer >3<;; 2gb ram (dual core) doesn't cut it when the psd file is 160 Mb...oy oy...

Oh yeah, the neon sign by Roxas says Beer because I wanted to draw a martini glass haha. o3o;;
Image size
1280x853px 377.37 KB
© 2007 - 2025 ProdigyBombay
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