Pilate stuffs upPrisonerOnEarth on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/prisoneronearth/art/Pilate-stuffs-up-737716305PrisonerOnEarth

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Pilate stuffs up



Picture illustrated for Scripture Union's Big Bible Challenge book, illustrated collaboratively by Daryl Peninton and myself.

This picture is an interpretation of when Jesus was brought before the Roman Pilate. Pilate quickly realised that Jesus was innocent but shirked his responsibility by giving in to the evil demands of the high priests and the mob that they incensed into demanding that Jesus be crucified.
And yet the Bible states that Jesus was God's son who deliberately came to earth to be born as a human so that he could be killed in order to pay the debt for all of humanities' sins, so that through his sacrifice our sins are forgiven.
Pilate stuffed up, and yet it had to be so, so that Jesus would die for our sins. It's strange to think about.

Have a contemplative and rejoicing Easter, everyone. Thanks to Christ, we can spend eternity in Paradise.
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Pilate probably didn't feel like he had much of a choice. The Pharisees knew about how little leeway Rome was going to be giving to a Governor who was already on notice not to screw things up. In fact, I'm not sure how long he keeps his position after everything that was going on during that time, but unless I'm mistaken he committed suicide later that same... Decade? I actually wanna say two to three years later, but am unsure of sources.
I do know that he doesn't keep his position long after. Though he does get a, "reassigned to Alaska" treatment.

Anyway, the priests threatening to report him to Rome about not doing his job, was basically Pilate losing control of his subjects.