Think you could make some Dinosaur Fusion monsters for Tyranno Hassleberry so he could seem like he could be in Arc-V?
Can you do a fusion between destiny hero plasma and elemental hero Neos Then a fusion between Elemental Hero Neos and Destiny End Dragoon.
Hello, I've spent a lot of time looking at your cards and art, and I was wondering if at any point you would be able to go back a bit and maybe make some customs for the main deck "Junk" archetype? like the Junk stuff itself. while they are a bit versatile within the Extra deck with Junk Archer and Berserker to help wipe out threats on the board, or Junk Warrior who can reach stupid amount of ATK, the main deck... is rather lacking.. and very easy to stop from reaching a good to even decent board. I've wanted to make a pure Junk deck for literal years, but it's... lacking many things to defend against interruptions or even set up any of its own, even with competitive staples.
Just out of curiosity, what art program do you use?
Will you return to the classic hero upgrade project
maybe 1 day. i have bunch of different hero ideas.
I'm looking forward to them