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>> Blame orengel . ALL, ENTIRELY, HER FAULT. XD



Open for rut:


Basic Information
Name: Baeric
Pronunciation: Bare-ick
Meaning: Derivation of 'Baer', meaning 'Bright'.
Gender: Male/ Stag
Age: 37 yrs
Year of Birth: Born early Spring of Year 741
Height: 14hh
Build: Medium
Phenotype: Black Restricted Fawn
Genotype: Ee/aa/fwfw/nRx [design sheet]
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Design Sheet: Fawnlings November Pool #32
Original Reference: Baeric | Stag | Loner/Witch
Sire: Forgotten Blackwood Stag
Dam: Forgotten Blackwood Doe
Bloodline: 100% Blackwood
Physical aliments:
- Partial blindness in left eye
- Partial deafness in left ear
- Suffers from emotional, irrational outbursts - Witch’s Malady
Herd Information
Herd: Blackwood
Herd Position: Witch/loner
Orientation: Straight

- Dalor - Adopted -
- Bathory born Summer Y766 (Played by me)
- Duvessa born Spring Y768 (Played by Peachiiums )
Current Location: Wandering the Blackwood with Scath and fam <3
Voice: Travis Willingham
Antisocial | Angsty Teenager for life | Paranoid | Self deprecating | Lonely
Baeric is an interesting stag with a long history that covers most of his quirks. Obsessed with his work and studies the stag is half mad. His outwardly appearance tricks most and many who happen to encounter him but anyone who hangs around often starts to see the dark, unsettling quirks that he has. To most he just appears to be a grouch which should be unusual itself since he's still in his prime as far as stag's go. However when no one is looking he is often the victim of violent and paranoid outbursts that send most of the forest creatures scampering away to hide. He also has a rather terrible habit of talking to himself. These conversations are not just little mumbles but sometimes full blown conversations as if someone else is there. He even gets into arguments with himself!
In his youth, the stag rather enjoyed watching creatures he possessed harm themselves but as he's grown has left this phase behind him. Possession of smaller creatures is still something he enjoys, don't think he doesn't still do that, but he often uses them for some sort of purpose.
However his heavy sarcasm and rather dry sense of humor has stuck with him even to this day. Conversations often end awkwardly which has ensured that he rarely makes friends. It doesn't help either that his paranoid outbursts are often aggressive and anyone in his way can sometimes be wounded if not killed. It's that fact alone that keeps him distant from other Fawnlings and unfriendly.
Thanks to his paranoia, trust is a concept this stag has never truly understood. Over the long, lonely years his stone heart has started to crack a little. He has started to entertain the idea of trying to make a friend or at least make an acquaintance before his time in the Blackwood is over. His only true companion is a thus far has been in the form of a lone raven. She almost seems to haunt him, mock him and appears when he find himself noticing the silence around him. He has attempted more than once to possess the foul bird but at this point in his life he isn't sure if she is a figment of Úir sent to torment him or a real bird.
Magic, his greatest skill, is the source of his immense ego and pride. His possession skills, which are his most powerful, are his most favorite to use. While he used to enjoy making his victims bury themselves when he was done with them he has...started to grow out of this phase. In an attempt to slow his already terminal insanity he only uses possession when he most needs it. However the trophies from his younger days are still things he loves and displays with pride. Some skulls he has even started to modify in order to wear them.
Since his battle with the ice bear, Baeric has been much more cautious and considerate when using his magic. He has begun to focus more and more on his herbal lore in order to expand his great knowledge. Because of his great need he has become very focused and almost obsessive when it comes to his studies. He finds few excuses for distractions and is sometimes so focused he forgets to eat or drink! He has been trying to focus less on the Raven that continues to haunt him on a daily basis by devoting himself to his work.
The idea of a family does cross the stags mind on occasion but he usually squashes those thoughts by the sheer fact that he doubts a doe would ever wander into his territory. While he knows that he is, in fact, perfect in just about every way when it comes to his great magic, he is not sure a doe would see such greatness in him as he is not as heavily built as most other stags.
Fears: Bae will claim he's not afraid of anything but he does have some...they're just very deeply hidden. For one, he FREAKS out over spiders that are considered 'large'. Larger than an apple is his limit. He also fears his raven poltergeist and the return of the Ice Bear..
Strengths: Bae is very logical when it comes to his thinking. He goes about it all with common sense and a calm attitude.
Baeric is thin as far as Fawnlings go but still built. However he is muscular in a way that doesn't show brute strength but that he's hes a more agile and quick Fawnling. During rut he is a bit 'beefy' as his hormones kick in but otherwise he is thin enough to see a little rib (something that isn't helped by his lack of eating). He has plenty of scars though all the minor ones are hidden under his pelt. More serious ones lie along his his shoulders and chest while a few more decorate his ribs. The battle with the Ice Bear left it's mark as well, these laying over the left side of his face. The scars have left him partially blind and partially deaf on this side. His deafness isn't as obvious though his slightly cloudy eye gives away his condition.
Mane/Tail: The hair here is usually quiet thin as his overuse of magic tends to drain his energy. However, as of late, the hair has started to come back much fuller. If he strains himself though or stresses too much the hair will fall out over time and thin.
Trinkets/Decorations: Large ice bear pelt which has been converted from a coat to a shoulder like shaw now. He also wears various bones and skulls used for jewelry and ornamentation.
Trinkets/Decorations: Large ice bear pelt which has been converted from a coat to a shoulder like shaw now. He also wears various bones and skulls used for jewelry and ornamentation.
Baeric was the happy son of two proud Blackwood parents who had long wished to have a child of their own. From the start Baeric was testy and ill mannered but also insanely curious. When he wasn't running off and exploring he was devotedly at his mothers side. The two were close, down right impossible to separate as he grew up. However when he started to realize he had a great magical ability things changed. It didn't help that he announced the grand news to his beloved mother by sending a mouse scampering up her tail. The doe nearly died of fright but was pleased none the less.
The young stag soon left his mothers side to pursue his magical study though his break from home was aided by the birth of his new brother. Feeling a bit....abandoned the young stag threw himself into his studies.
He often over did things and strained himself past his limits. His mentor warned him that if he continued to do so he would head down a path he could not turn back from. Still ever obsessed with becoming the perfect witch he ignored his mentors warnings and continued his work. His work began to crack his sanity and when that started his mentor gave him up. However Baeric wasn't discouraged and continued to practice on his own.
By the time he was 8 things changed. His sanity was started to break and the herd knew it. He was asked to leave which he took no offense in. He felt this old herd mates were holding him back and in breaking away he felt a fresh breathe of freedom. He moved deep into the Blackwood where he found a small territory to call his own. It was here he set up a small home and continued to obsess over his magical talents. It was shortly after his move that the Raven that haunts him to this day appeared. At first he thought it was chance, a stray bird who was curious. Now, however, he feels she may be some sort of dark servant of Úir. Then again, perhaps it was just his own mind letting him know he was finally insane?
During his "teenage" years Baeric only grew more and more obsessed with his magic. He began to push his limits again by trying to posses larger and larger creatures. He even tried, on a few occasions, to posses multiple creatures at once. Upon hearing rumors of a great Ice Bear he decided to see just how great his powers had grown and headed out to find the beast. He traveled through the Blackwood and into the mountains as he tracked the bear. Unfortunately for Baeric, his chose target turned out to be a massive female with new born cubs. Arrogant, the stag didn't realize that because of this the bears resistance to his magic was much higher and so he failed.
A battle quickly ensued and it was only when he was near death he found the focus to take control of their bear. Once he had her under his power he sent her rushed off a cliff side. He watched as she tumbled below to her death before turning his malicious anger on the cubs. He pitted the young ones against one another and left once the infants were as doomed as their mother. The battle left him 'magically crippled' and once he took a few trophies from the bear and the scene he hurried home to recover and become even more a recluse.
Since that battle Baeric has become overly paranoid and defensive. While his power continues to grow the stag refuses to leave his territory in fear of running into another great beast. Perhaps it's guilt that haunts him? The death of the cubs and their mother sawing on his insanity and making the stag watch his every step. He hates the memory of that day just as much as he loves the pelt he walked away with. He only uses his magic on creatures he can know he can handle but, sadly, his acute fears have often ended in those animals dying. His list of victims has grown significantly since that day and it's yet another thing that darkens his ledger.
As he has matured into more of an adult, Baeric has started to find himself a touch lonely. Perhaps it is due in part to his more relaxed use of his black magic or simply the fawnlings age, he can not say. While he tries to busy his damaged mind with his studies he often finds himself dreaming of being apart of a herd once more and even, on the rarest of occasions, having a family.
However the constant sighting of the raven keeps the stag from daring to attempt such things. He fears that she is a sign of his increasing insanity and that he is still too dangerous to be around others. On top of this, finding a doe who would be tolerate him long enough to bare his child seems to be something as impossible as regaining his sanity. Still, the stag secretly keeps an eye out for any passing fawnlings and hopes, though he'll deny it, that perhaps they would give him a chance...
Magic Type:

Necromancy (inborn): 28 [Advanced level] *Unconfirmed*
- Summoning spirits and ghosts for extended times - non-necromancers can see them
- Reanimating small animals - rats, rabbits, birds (though don't expect them to be able to fly unless they’re fresh
- Reanimating corpses of fawnlings
- Command spirits - they cannot physically attack, but others can see them and they can cause a good distraction.
Possession (learned): 28 [Advanced level] *Unconfirmed*
- Possessing small animals while conscious (rats, bunnies, birds)
- Possession of medium sized animals while conscious (badgers, stoats)
- Possession of a larger animal while conscious (wolf, bear)
- Possession of another while conscious
- Possession of multiple targets while asleep
- Possessing a target with a spirit (ie, the dead will be able to speak through the host but not control them - they must first be summoned by necromancy)
- Trap a spirit in an object / small animal
- Making a single target unaware of possession
Herbs: 0 [Basic Level]
Experience: 1
Skill Points
Speed: 4 [Basic Level] (Build Cap: 15 points max)
Stamina: 7 [Basic Level]
Strength: 4 [Basic Level]
+2 speed - base bonus
+4 stamina - base bonus
+4 strength - base bonus
+11 magic - starter bonus
Magic/Herb Lore/Fight Stats:
Deep in the Forest
+1 magic (necromancy) - art
Black Magic Voices
+2 Speed - lit - 1000-1999 words - Black Magic Voices
Blackwood Seance
+1 Necromancy - art
+1 Necromancy - lit - 400-999 words
The Blackwood Academy of Witchcraft
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - The Blackwood Academy of Witchcraft
+2 Possession - training/sparring with a Fawnling of higher level
Crack in the Dam
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - Crack in the Dam
+2 Possession - training/sparring with a Fawnling of higher level
+1 nasty shock - art - Deep Magic of the Forest
Rip Currents
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - Rip Currents
+1 Possession - practicing/sparring/fighting with another Fawnling
The Pine Cone Murderer
+3 Possession - collab lit - 1000-1999 words - The Pine Cone Murderer
Patrolling for Trouble
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - Patrolling for Trouble
The Awkward Potato and Kind Green Eyes
+4 Possession - collab lit - 2000+ words - The Awkward Potato and Kind Green Eyes
Spring Reunions
+4 Possession - collab lit - 2000+ words - Spring Reunions
Malady's and Thunderstorms
+4 Necromancy - collab lit - 2000+ words - Malady's and Thunderstorms
+1 Necromancy - practicing/sparring/fighting with another Fawnling
+1 experience - losing a fight
+2 Necromancy - lit - 1000-1999 words - Malice
The Water Mouse
+3 Necromancy - collab lit - 1000-1999 words - The Water Mouse
First Impressions and a Lesson
+4 Necromancy - collab lit - 2000+ words - First Impressions and a Lesson
+1 magic (necromancy) - art
Black Magic Voices
+2 Speed - lit - 1000-1999 words - Black Magic Voices
Blackwood Seance
+1 Necromancy - art
+1 Necromancy - lit - 400-999 words
The Blackwood Academy of Witchcraft
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - The Blackwood Academy of Witchcraft
+2 Possession - training/sparring with a Fawnling of higher level
Crack in the Dam
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - Crack in the Dam
+2 Possession - training/sparring with a Fawnling of higher level
+1 nasty shock - art - Deep Magic of the Forest
Rip Currents
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - Rip Currents
+1 Possession - practicing/sparring/fighting with another Fawnling
The Pine Cone Murderer
+3 Possession - collab lit - 1000-1999 words - The Pine Cone Murderer
Patrolling for Trouble
+3 Possession - lit - 2000+ words - Patrolling for Trouble
The Awkward Potato and Kind Green Eyes
+4 Possession - collab lit - 2000+ words - The Awkward Potato and Kind Green Eyes
Spring Reunions
+4 Possession - collab lit - 2000+ words - Spring Reunions
Malady's and Thunderstorms
+4 Necromancy - collab lit - 2000+ words - Malady's and Thunderstorms
+1 Necromancy - practicing/sparring/fighting with another Fawnling
+1 experience - losing a fight
+2 Necromancy - lit - 1000-1999 words - Malice
The Water Mouse
+3 Necromancy - collab lit - 1000-1999 words - The Water Mouse
First Impressions and a Lesson
+4 Necromancy - collab lit - 2000+ words - First Impressions and a Lesson
RP Images:
Love Broke Through+1 bab

A smooch for her Big Boy
+1 bab

+1 Smugness - art - Faces
Other Images:

Timeline of Life events:
Year 741 (Birth Year)
Summer: Bae is born!
Year 744 (3 yr old)
Summer: Baeric begins to realize he has magical talents like his parents! He's thrilled to pieces and begins to experiment with magic and ask his parents for help.
Year 746 (5 yr old)
Spring: Bae receives news that his mother is will give birth to another fawn and decides to finally take up learning from a magical mentor. He feels replaced and believes to have lost his mothers love.
Summer: Baeric struggles through his teachings. Most of the other fawnlings pick on him and bully him since he's the smallest, weakest one in class.
Fall: Seeing potential in the boy, his magic mentor Scythos offers to tutor Bae in private. This gives the young stag hope that someone, somewhere, sees something special in him. Baeric is accepted into the The Blackwood Academy of Witchcraft.
Winter: After working closely with his mentor Bae begins to make breakthroughs with his magic, most of these are rather...disturbing to his teacher. When confronted about the matter, Baeric snaps and attempts to attack his mentor. (Crack in the Dam)
Late Winter: After the incident with his mentor, Bae returns to the school to try and show that he is stronger than everyone else. He even attempts to kill his old rival Datur! D: (Rip Currents)
Year 747 (6 yr old)
Fall: At the age of 6 Baeric goes through his 'coming of Age' ritual in where he patrols for trouble.
Year 748 (7 yr old)
Spring: Alone and without a teacher Baeric begins his self studies and his magic, unbeknownst to him, begins to go rogue. Without the guidance of a teacher darker spirits and beings begin to seep into his mind...
Year 750 (9 yr old)
Spring: Bae begins to hear voices when presented with a tough decision. He isn't sure if this is his conscious talking or something...darker.
Summer: After attempting to make some friends and impress a Doe or two Baeric realizes that his reputation is repulsing some of his herd mates. He begins feeling even more like the monster his old teacher claimed he was becoming...
Fall: Bae is asked to distance himself from the herd. He does so, understanding and not holding any bitterness towards those who ask him to leave but begrudgingly begins rethinking the events of his life.
Winter: As he heads out to the edges of the herd grounds Baeric makes an unexpected encounter and becomes known as a Pine Cone Murderer
Year 754 (13 yr old)
Fall: Bae tries to posses an ice bear. The resulting battle leaves him scarred but awards him a few mementos of the battle. He decides to stop pushing his magic and to focus on concentrating his power.
Winter: Fearing his insanity is growing worse he decides he needs to seclude himself even further from the larger part of the herd. He heads deeper in the forest to further isolate himself...
Year 761 (20 yr old)
Spring: Bae decides to finally lay off the magic and self diagnosis's himself with Witch’s Malady. He decides to focus more on Herbal lore to keep his mind busy. He begins to try and limit his magic use.
Summer: An early morning routine gets disrupted by Black Magic Voices. Perhaps there is no curing this insanity?
Year 762 (21 yrs old)
Spring: Baeric's attempt to limit his magic use may be curing his insanity to a small degree. He feels a lightness coming back to his world he hasn't felt in ages. He feels as if a weight is being lifted from his back. He has started to adventure further in his 'territory' and wondering if he could handle meeting another Fawnling...
Year 763 (22 yrs old)
Spring: Coming soon...
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
Year 764 (23 yrs old)
Spring: Coming soon...
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Bae has a run in with his biggest fear....a DOE. DDD: He is shocked to find that she is rather kind and doesn't seem to mind his company at all! The Awkard Potato and Kind Green Eyes
Year 765 (24 yrs old)
Spring: To his luck and great surprise, Baeric runs into Scath again! He is overjoyed to see his friend made it through the cold alright but their Spring Reunion
is interrupted by a bear and one again they are separated!
- Scath eventually finds lost Bae but he's not entirely in his right mind... Malady's and Thunderstorms
- After the storm and a few days of herb hunting, Bae comes across something rather interesting in the woods...a Water Mouse??
- Bae continues to grow close to Scath though her swelling belly makes the stag nervous. He's not exactly...fawn safe. (Sore hooves and Odd pelts)
Summer: Coming soon...Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Love Broke Through (<3 SCREAMING <3)
Year 766 (25 yrs old)
Spring: Coming soon...
Summer: Bathory is born and Bae's life completely changes. His entire existence now revolves around his girls.
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
Year 767 (26 yrs old)
Spring: Out on a walk, Baeric runs into a young and VERY enthusiastic doe by the name of Lyra. Shocked to learn she has never been taught to use her magic, the stag helps her discover her inborn strain and nervously accepts to help tutor her. JUST DON'T TELL SCATH! >.>
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
Year 768 (27 yrs old)
Spring: Much to Baeric's pride and excitement, his first and only son is born between him and his beloved Scath. A perfect shadow, Baeric still can't believe his life is being filled with so much love. He is more stoic and serious with Duvessa, trying to be the best father for him that he can.
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
Year 769 (28 yrs old)
Spring: Coming soon...
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
Year 770 (29 yrs old)
Spring: Coming soon...
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
Year 771 (30 yrs old) **Current age**
Spring: Coming soon...
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
Spring: Coming soon...
Summer: Coming soon...
Autumn: Coming soon....
Winter: Coming soon...
How might Bae interact with your fawnling:
Blackwood stags: Bae fears most stags seeing as many remember him and consider him a 'lunatic'. When approached by one he doesn't know he will be submissive, shy and probably not talk too much. He will try to remove himself from their presence when ever possible. If threatened however, he will stand his ground and fight. Not with physical strength of course but with his magic.- Stags wishing to be his student: Bae has been approached before to be a mentor to stags. He doesn't like to tutor them because use of his powers at all is seen as dangerous in his eyes. Stags will have to be adamant and determined to convince him to teach them.
Blackwood Does: Does also intimidate Bae but for a different reason. Having never been with a doe he is painfully shy and will keep his head bowed to her out of respect unless otherwise instructed. He is a bit of a wuss and if she were to request anything from him he would give it to her without question. He is very self loathing and will often talk himself down if given any sort of comment by a doe.
Outsider Stags: Bae is generally aggressive when it comes to obvious outsiders. Seeing as he is not physically impressive he will try and scare intruders with his magicial prowess before attempting a physical assault.
Outsider Does: Again, does are treated with respect from Bae though he is more brash and forward with outsiders. He will often make obvious points that they don't belong in the Blackwood and encourage them to go home. He will also try to avoid them or even ditch those who may try to follow him for whatever reason.
Personal Playlist:
1. Monster- Skillet3. Castle Of Glass- Linkin Park
4. Point of No Return- Starset
5. Breathe- Red
6. Love Broke Thru- TobyMac
Relationships with other Fawnlings:


He had been convinced he would live and die alone, a sour stain of nothing, a waste of Uir's magic but...then he met her. The doe that, in a single year, turned his life into an empty rerun into something he...looked forward to. He no longer dragged himself through the days wishing it would just end but rather woke each day excited and wanting to face the world...because she was in it. Besides the daughter they share together, there is nothing more important or as loved in his life than Scath. He now fears the day Uir calls him back only because it means he'll have to be separated from her.

His precious angel, his entire world...Bathy is everything to Baeric. Never in his life did he think he had the capacity one individual like he does Scath but two? He is overwhelmed by the very sight of her and would swim oceans or scale mountains for her. He dotes on her constantly and is INSANELY protective of her and Scath both. you do not touch his babies Bc

His son...his pride and joy (shared with Bathy of course). Baeric still can't believe his old heart could handle so much love in his life. He is determined to be a perfect father to the little shadow and hopes he can live up to his own expectations.

The little water
Lyra| Filly| Blackwood

A young doe who found Bae quite by mistake, the stag has found himself in the position of being her magical mentor. He does so hesitantly, determined not to really use any of his own magic but teach her with words.
Arik the Grim

Arik is the first Fawnling that Bae has seen in almost 2 decades. The doe is a little...odd to him though that could also be because he hasn't been social in two decades either! She's interesting companion so far though and not that he will admit it? He doesn't really want her to leave just yet. He's been much more lonely than he realized.
Aatami | Stag | Warrior

Baeric met this stag when he was just a tiny colt. Their encounter was brief and Baeric is ashamed when he recalls the faint memories. He did his best to terrify the colt, an idea now that brings him great sorrow.

Scythos was Baeric's old magic mentor. He hasn't seen the stag since he was a teenager and for a long time didn't care. Now that he is recovering from his madness however he realizes the old man was only trying to protect him from himself. He regrets a lot of the harsh words he spat at his old mentor and hopes he is still well.

Datur was Baeric's childhood rival and bully. This young stag was not only extremely strong but his magical prowess made him infamous. Ever competitive as a youngster, Baeric often went against him with negative results.
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Hey! What does Baeric think of Kiaran, seeing as the colt was only a wee babbin when he met Scath? I'm trying to figure out whether Kiaran will like Baeric and his fawns or not XD