Bad Neighborhood.PricklyAlpaca on DeviantArt

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PricklyAlpaca's avatar

Bad Neighborhood.



Alright. I LOVE the way this came out. I'm surprisingly getting more comfortable drawing backgrounds by myself, which is weird because my backgrounds tend to be quite horrible.

Anyway.... I've been drawing a bunch of fanart of Scarlet and Krasnny for my new comic The Operative. I need practice with cities, backgrounds and expressions so I'll be doing a bunch of full city art.

and... Rain. This is the first time I've drawn rain. I'm surprised how realistic it looks considering it's my first time. I'll probably draw rain again in the future ^ ^

Well, enjoy!

These little screenshots I'm makig may or may not influence the comic plot! Now I need more art of the main character, Aarow!

Art/characters (C) =AgentWhiteHawk 2013 all rights reserved.
The operative comic (C) =AgentWhiteHawk/ WhiteHawkComics 2013 all rights revered.

Texture used:
[link] - (C) ~pelleron -Fave please!

Image size
5000x3200px 8.13 MB
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LacrymosaDiesIlla's avatar
Ooh, the eyes are so creepy. Really cool. I like how the light reflects off the water.