PREKA666's avatar


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Hi! I make not-safe-for-work (nsfw)/lewd/ecchi/sexy drawings of your favourite characters.

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Profile Comments 13

anonymous's avatar
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00gojiramon's avatar

Cool style, bro, I like it

nudgenudgeNSFW's avatar

I'm dying to know what pen settings you use to get lines like this. Your NSFW zelda botw art had some of the best line weight variance I've seen in a while. Do you use sai?

PREKA666's avatar

hey there! Thanks a lot! I use Photoshop, and I use the regular circle default brush. I just put a lot of time on the lineart hahaha. You know, pen pressure on->then pressing a lot in one end of the line and not pressing in the other end.

xavierrussellART's avatar

The new style you've been working on is really great. Helps you stand out more and I dig it, hope you keep developing it.

PREKA666's avatar

I didn't see your comment before, thank you a lot!  I was scared to show this kind of stuff before (i don't know why xD), so comments like this really motivate me ^^

Also, looked your gallery and really liked some stuff, keep it up!!

xavierrussellART's avatar

For sure man, we're all in this together. Thanks for the watch.

erickermr's avatar

hola, solo paso a decirte qe me gusta tu arte, no solo es sexy pero tambien esta bien hecho :B saludos