Just a group of Precure lovers sharing their art with other Precure lovers.
Do not submit stolen or AI art.
Treat each other with respect.
A maximum of 10 submissions per day.
Please submit to the correct folders:
Original Cures
Fanart Crossover (featuring two or more seasons of Precure, DX/All Stars-exclusive characters)
Fanart (season-specific folders from FwPC to HS)
Miscellaneous (edits, banners, stamps)
Hope it's okay, but I wanted to drop the official logo of the next season here. You and Idol Precure
Hello, where I can post other franchise crossover with precure?
Hello, you can submit it to the season folder the Precure character is from. If there are Precure characters from multiple seasons, you can submit it to the Crossover Seasons folder.
Make a giant size shiny luminous