Myyyyyyyy Partnerpraxcrown5 on DeviantArt

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praxcrown5's avatar

Myyyyyyyy Partner



Last art piece of 2012...and it doesn't pertain to Ratchet...

Methinks I'm loosing my touch.

Ne-who, I'm still sick-ish so I really have nothing much to do this evening other than draw, watch Babylon 5, and sip some high quality mead.

This is the fruit of my labor: Another chibi drawing pertaining to the cast of WaW.

For some reason, these two have really worked their way into my heart, moreso than I ever would have thought they would. Pity their appearances in WaW are only limited to far. Both of them, as well as Crossarm play larger roles in future chapters.

And yes, Triage is taunting his partner with an energon goodie. :D

Transformers belongs to Hasbro; Triage and Interlink belong to me.

They're both from my Ratchet-themed fan-fiction War and Wings
War and Wings: Chapter 1 part 1--Truth or Dare
Rated T for generic humor, romance stuff---no porn (sorry :D), wartime violence, blood, Cybertronian cursing, and an eventual bar fight...


Ratchet used to hate Saturdays.

Humans, for reasons that the seasoned medic could not fathom, lumped seven of their solar cycles into a unit of time called a "week," the first five cycles of which were mostly devoted to education, work or a combination of the two.  The last two cycles of the week, colloquially known as Saturday and Sunday, seemed to function as a sort exaggerated holida
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© 2013 - 2025 praxcrown5
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nazo677's avatar
Sword: *jumps and snatches the data pad away and gives it back to interlink,he then turns and scolds Triage but fails at his face only looked more cute then angery*