Just found out I have cataracts
Been finding it difficult to focus for ages and finally the optician admitted that there is actually something wrong and I'll need an op on both my eyes
Thankfully after an unpleasant year with slowly vanishing sight I have an appointment to get my cataracts sorted.
Hopefully will be able to start shooting again early next year..
Requests and offers of work to the usual place
Just found out I have cataracts
Been finding it difficult to focus for ages and finally the optician admitted that there is actually something wrong and I'll need an op on both my eyes
I am NOT looking for a re-toucher
Nor will I be giving permission for you to use my pictures for your paintings.
I will continue to search for people who are taking/using with out permission and contact everyone I can about having your site taken down.
No I don't find it a tribute to my photography
Apparently the very definition of madness is to continue doing the same thing over and over again even though you know it's wrong.
My photography has stalled, I haven't produced an original picture in months
I just keep churning out the same few images
I think it's time I stopped