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Procrastinator Extraordinaire
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (62)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
My Bio

I draw for fun, but spend a lot more time writing. I just published my first short story at the beginning of 2021! I have also picked up making jewelry, and I sometimes make my own costumes.

I am happily married to fellow Deviant luridillusions, who forgets that he has an account. I am a Tolkien nerd, fan of several anime and manga, and hugely into the works of Paul Shapera. (You can find the Shapera fan community on Discord. We are the New Albion Discordian Society.)
You can find me on other platforms as JessLindsay, and that's the name that I publish under.

Personal Quote: I wanted to know if there could be something that wouldn't exist without me.

Favourite Movies
I have a lot. 10th Kingdom, Last Quarter, and Labyrinth are pretty high on the list.
Favourite TV Shows
Dr. Who, Supernatural, Once Upon A Time. The rest vary.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nightwish, Ministry of Magic, Styx, L'Arc~En~Ciel, and a lot of others.
Favourite Books
The list would never fit here. Seriously. Over a hundred different books.
Favourite Games
Neverwinter Nights, Golden Sun: TLA, Dungeons & Dragons, Red Dragon Inn.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, pen, keyboard. An over-active imagination.


0 min read
Um, wow, it's been a bit. I got overwhelmed with work for a while, there, and had very little time for anything else. It consumed my life, but not in a good way. Thankfully, that is over with. It became a toxic environment, thanks to the idiots at the corporate level, and I work somewhere much better now. Still married, still drawing from time to time, still writing a lot. Still obsessed with Paul Shapera's works. I'm a member of NADS, which is the New Albion Discordian Society. (If you're there, say hi!) Most of what I draw lately is Shaperaverse fanart, which at least helps me keep drawing. And I just got a pen tablet for Christmas, so I'm really excited! Especially because I've been messing up with hand-inking my art lately, so I had to digitally clean it up anyways. I made an off-hand comment to my husband while working on a gift art for this year's Secret Santa in NADS, about how I sh+ould get an art tablet. He is the best husband ever. :heart: OH! I am officially PUBLISHED! I
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0 min read
So, I can post stuff from my phone! Yay! So I posted a few of my favorite pictures from this last Salt Lake Comic Con, and the sketches I have photos of. :) I've even gotten back in a drawing mood! Yay! So I drew my Shadowrun character for an upcoming campaign. (This will be replacing Anima, which we just finished the first segment of. More about that in a minute.) Gosh, it feels like it's been forever. I've been married a year and a half, and my ten-year high school reunion is coming up this summer. Right around my third anniversary, actually. Huh. Anyway, been almost exclusively writing for the last several months, all original stuff. :)...
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So! Ever since getting a job, I seem to have little free time. As is evident by my lack of presence here on dA. Like, I popped on today and had over 500 notifications. And I only get notifications from a handful of Deviants, most of whom are as inactive as I am, if not moreso. So yeah... ^^; I always seem to say that I'm sketching again when I update here, and then never post it due to issues with only being able to take grainy pictures from my phone. I have been drawing lately, but I've been more writing than anything else, lately. Like, I finished another rough draft of a novel for NaNoWriMo in November. I then promptly finished EDITING ...
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Profile Comments 335

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SpecterBoy91's avatar
Portal-girl's avatar
AdamAntaloczy's avatar
Thank you for the favorite.
CalamityJade's avatar
Thank you for the fav! :hug:
psycocat's avatar
Thanks from te fav!
LolaBunnyvsLexiBunny's avatar
Portal-girl's avatar
Depending on the request, yes. I don't have access to a scanner very often, at the moment, though, so getting doodles posted takes much longer.